So I haven't written in MONTHS... I know... but I feel like I have a justified excuse.

Incase you didn't know, remember that Matt guy I started talking a lot about in my last post? Well one thing led to another and we are now happily married! Crazy, I know.

Anyways, pretty much all my time the past few months has been spent getting to know Matt and getting ready to be married.

And finally, we were married January 4th in Denver.

It was seriously the most amazing day of my life and I have never been so happy. I am so lucky that I got to marry the love of my life.

Married life so far has been fun and a little weird. Matt treats me like a princess (he made me pancakes and eggs for breakfast today) and he always keeps me laughing. I cannot wait for all the adventures that are to come in our marriage.

Well! School is well underway by this point and I am buried 3 feet thick in homework but I am surviving. I had to change a few of my classes unfortunately because I luckily got a job. I am excited because I get to work with my sister:] Between work, school, and hanging out I never get any sleep anymore, but who really needs sleep anyways?

So do you want to know what I've been up to?

We went to a stake pool party and got free food.

We went to a Cowboys and Aliens party (we were cowboys) and got free food.

I went to a volleyball game with Amanda and Syd and then saw Spiderman (again cause it's awesome).

We stayed up late in the hall, as usual.

And Matt fed Shawnie and I strawberry waffles.

I went on a date with Matt. We went to a baptism and then hiked the Y and watched a movie on top. It's not as comfortable as you'd think but it was quite the adventure. 

Emily made me dinner and we made s'mores over her stove.

Matt and I went to the MOA, Bridal Veil falls, Iceberg, and other places. All in one night.

We went to the state fair.

And today we went to regional conference and listened to Dalin H. Oaks:] I have decided that his wife is just the cutest little lady. 

Well hello friends! It's been quite a while and there's been quite a few changes to my life. I am back in Provo and I started school on Monday. I can honestly say that I LOVE all of my classes. I am so excited for this year and I am so excited for everything I am going to learn!
I have also been meeting tons of new people, which of course is always a blast.
I feel really refined lately because I have two art classes and two dance classes. 

So incase you were wondering. The rest of my summer was a blast. We went to the lake twice and it doesn't get much better then that. We also went tubing down the Golden river, it was freezing but quite the adventure.

Well I hope all of you are doing well, whether you are back in good ole CO or somewhere else. Have a great week!


Today, I am feeling really blessed because:
Chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast
My mom made me a lunch
The Maine
Cake at 9:30 in the morning
Met my sales goal before lunch
Bought two real cute American Rag dresses
Nice people to work with
Comfort and peace

So what have I done this week besides work?
On Monday, we went to FHE and played some volleyball and then had a spiritual thought. Afterwards we went to Sonic so I could get the onion rings that I have been craving. We also snuck a another picture on Kelby's motorcycle.

Tuesday, we tried to have a chick flick movie night but of course all the boys complained so we ended up watching The Sixth Sense, which wasn't as scary as I remember it being.

On Wednesday, we had the Sister missionaries over for dinner. They are so cute and fun! If you get the chance, you should really talk to them. Afterwards, Emily, Kelby, Eric, Frenchie, and I went and played a few games of Laser tag. Believe it or not, I actually won a game ("How the heck did you win?" said the little boy we played with).

Thursday, I babysat all day, which was exhausting so that night Trevor, Rachel, and I watched the Dark Knight so I could expand my Batman knowledge.

Today I worked, got a super cute dress, and now Emily and Kelby should be here.

Ooh! So I had another cooking experience on Thursday. I made omelets, homemade hash browns, bacon, and scrambled eggs (result of my first failed omelet). I think my hash browns were my favorite but it was definitely a success and something I would cook for myself in college. I am making progress my friends.

Well I have to work again tomorrow so another Saturday that I don't have off. But tomorrow night should be fun no matter what I end up doing (I'll keep you updated). I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Well hello there! I hope you all had a wonderful week, I meant to update my blog on Thursday but things got a bit crazy. This week has been full of insanity, I worked everyday on top of everything else.

On Tuesday we had a BBQ with all my good friends. It was so fun to see everyone especially the people that I haven't seen all summer. They are such a fun crowd.

Wednesday, I went pond jumping. Don't worry I didn't know what it was at first either, just imagine riding a bike down a steep hill, off of a seven foot jump, and into a pond. Yeah freaky stuff let me tell you but it was definitely a legit experience. If you want to see a video, go no further.

My two favorite people after pond jumping and a banana fight:

Thursday, we went to the Dark Knight Rises premiere. I was a bit disappointed to be honest. Maybe it's just because the Dark Knight was such a great movie that this one couldn't compare, but I felt like the plot and characters lacked depth. Also, Anne Hathaway did terrible as Cat Woman. I felt like she was trying to be sexy and mysterious but it just came off as awkward and comical. I didn't really like Bane either just because I didn't feel like the character was very villian-like. However, Joseph Gordon-Levitt did wonderful.

On a scarier note, the Aurora shootings were only like a half an hour from where I live. When we were leaving the movie theater there were two police officers standing outside with Mp5's (machine guns), at that point we didn't know what had happened yet but looking back it's really creepy. I still get chills when I think about the shooting and that it could have happened anywhere. I think the thing that scares me the most is not knowing why he decided to do it.

A picture of Rach and I at the premiere:

Friday, we tried to play fugitive but it fell through so we ended up just talking to Kelby for a while. Since my parents were out of town, the Hubers were nice enough to let me spend the night with them so I wouldn't have to brave the night alone.

Yesterday I had to work for twelve hours, which made for quite a long day but it wasn't a bad day. That night Hannah came down to spend the night with me and it was so great to see her again. She is such a cutie. 

Here is a picture of the pancakes we made this morning (I thought they were a success):

Today was a great day at church. It was really inspiring hearing about the Pioneers and their sacrifice. Emily and I also went for a motorcycle ride (kinda).

 After church I decided to make myself a nice dinner. It is real hard cooking for one person but I liked it. I made chicken and potatoes and a fruit salad. I had limited resources but it wasn't a complete fail.

Well, I'm not working so much this week so it'll be nice to take it kind of easy. I hope you all are having an awesome summer!

Well hello my friends! 

It's a happy Monday night, mostly because my best friend is back home after being gone for 33 days. I cannot even begin to describe to you all how much I missed that girl.

Two Saturdays ago my good friend, Kelby, opened his mission call and I am so excited for his call to Russia. He is going to be such an amazing missionary because he already is so good about sharing the gospel with others. That same night we went to see "The Amazing Spiderman" and holy cow was it amazing. I loved the actors and Andrew Garfield made the perfect spiderman. The only thing that was disappointing was that they left out the classic spiderman kiss:[

Last week consisted of a lot of working but on friday Kelby, Matt, Amanda, Greta, and I all went to the pool and roasted marshmallows. I quite enjoyed hanging out with people again since my social life has been lacking as of late.

On Thursday, I nannied for the neighbors and then Amanda and I drove up to our family reunion in Winter Park. It was so fun to see my uncles from Arizona and Boston again and I enjoyed talking and bonding with all of my family members. Friday was fun because we spent the day in Winter Park riding the Alpine Slide and what not. My poor uncle, Steve, fell off and got a ton of bad burns. We also played "Minute to Win It", which was entertaining as always; had a baby shower for my aunt Maryn; had a family Olympics; and played some games with my uncle, Nate. I am so thankful to have such a large family and to have been able to spend time with all of them under one roof.

This week it is back to work, which is good because I need the money. But I am sure this week will be fantastic because I get to see Emily again and I am pretty sure that will make the rest of my summer. 

Just a thought: I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father and the ability He has to take the mistakes I make and turn them into learning experiences. 

I hope you are all having a nice summer and enjoying these days of warm weather and rain!

Well... I would say thank goodness it's friday but I have to work tomorrow so... no weekend for me:[ But I guess the money makes it totally worth it. My tuition bill just came in so it is time to crackdown on the money making and saving.

Wednesday was the fourth of July so of course we had to rock our America wolf shirts (well mine had a tiger on it but still) and the shorts I made last week.

Since Colorado is/was on fire, we had to go up north to watch fireworks but it was well worth it. It just isn't Independence day without fireworks. 

Thursday was my first day working at Macy's. It was a bit of a shock being on the floor all of a sudden but I worked today and I'm starting to get the hang of it. It is definitely a change of pace from working at the Bundt Shoppe but so far I am enjoying it. Even if I am having a hard time with the all black wardrobe.

I still have not figured out what to do with that corner of my room... I am still contemplating what it is exactly that I want. I'll keep you all updated though.

I am working on a new project with shorts though involving lace and I may add lace to one of my tiger shirts. I am trying to be more... stylish? Or well different in my style. I went shopping this week and got some good deals on some good tops and I got pink skinny cords.

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